I'll just say at the outset that I'm not a fan of "Twilight." I won't go into why I disliked it. Stephen King said it better than I could, here:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29001524/ So what to do if you're not a prepubescent girl and need a good vampire fix? Watch "Let the Right One In."
Like "Twilight," there is young love, but that's about where the comparisons end. Both protagonists are 12 years old and as such, their reactions to the situations they find themselves in seemed much more realistic than the idealized romantic character arcs in "Twilight." The young actors of "Let..." portrayed the awkward, naive fumbling of kids just starting to grasp the grown-up world around them. There is middle school bullying, neglectful parents, implied and minimal graphic horror, and snow--lots and lots of white snow drifting against long, ink-dark, Swedish nights.
Based on the Swedish novel, "Let the Right One In," the film was shot in Sweden with a 1980's feel. There is talk of an American re-make. I hope Hollywood doesn't screw it up.