I know you've all been eagerly anticipating this. XD
Okay...so how did you come to knit/crochet? Was it a family member? A really cool pattern you just *had* to make some day? Tell us your story!
Also, is there anything you just *have* to make at some point in your life, knitting/crochet wise?
Please respond in the comments!
I learned to crochet when I was about 8 from my mom because I wanted to be just like her. I still find Granny squares from when I was learning. I then learned to knit from my friends when I was about 18 because they had taken a class and I figured that since I could crochet, I should learn knitting too. My first FO was a scarf for my cousin.
At one point I am determined to make a 'celtic' sweater. Lika Mariah from knitty, or Rogue. I'm totally in love with those.