Your knitting/crocheting habits & desires
I have a knitting journal! It is
knitdevonknit. I talk about knitting in my real journal as well, but the majority of it goes into knitdevonknit.
1. Do you knit, crochet, or do both?
I knit. I do crochet sometimes, I know how to, but I don’t define myself as I crocheter. I knit waaaaaay more and generally only use crochet if I feel like adding a border to a washcloth or something. Knitting is really my passion.
2. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I have been knitting since I was eight years old which makes me knitting for 13 years. I would consider myself intermediate/advanced.
3. What are your favorite yarns or fibers to knit with? What yarns/fibers do you avoid, dislike or hate? Are you allergic to any fibers?
I really love hand dyed yarns. I’m also a really colorful person so I like to knit with colors. I’m not a neon person, but I’m not a gray person either. I like to combine good colors. Although I enjoy working with all colors my favorites are blues, purple blues, and purple pinks. As far as fibers go I like soft things, but I also love working with wool. I’m not too picky! I’ve worked with Alpaca before and I have to say I love that fiber! I guess the only thing is that I don’t really like flat or gray colors. I do like working with black, just not gray so much. I don’t really like Red Heart yarns. I also don’t like yarns that are for show. I like to knit and show off my knitting skills, not show off how weird some yarn is. I like a little unique-ness, just not off the wall. I am not allergic to anything!
4. What do you use to store your needles/hooks? How about your other tools, like stitch holders and point protectors? Where do you store your yarn?
All of my needles are Clover bamboo and are in their original cases for storage. I don’t have anything that comprehensively stores all my needles. I don’t have any stitch holders or point protectors, which makes me sad. :( My yarn stash is in a plastic tub in my closet for safe keeping, away from the cats you know.
5. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Do you have a needle preference-bamboo, aluminum, plastic, etc.? Any needles you’d like to try?
I use both straight and circular because I sometimes feel like using one or the other. I do like bamboo. I generally don’t use metals because they bother my hands after a while. I once saw some needles that were wooden, but they weren’t bamboo. I have no idea if those are expensive or not, but I think trying a different type of wood would be neat.
6. Do you own a ball winder and/or swift? Would you prefer to receive center-pull balls of yarn, if the person that has you owns a winder/swift and is so inclined?
I do not own a ball winder or swift. I would actually prefer to not have my skeins wound as I enjoy the process of getting the yarn from skein or hank to the ball stage. I find it relaxing.
7. Are you a sock knitter? Do you want to learn?
I am a sock knitter with pride! I have made the knee-high socks from stitch and bitch and a couple pairs of booty socks. I am currently making a pair of booty socks using the toe-up method. After I finish those I am going to try the two circulars method.
8. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
The real joy for me is in the yarn combinations that I put together. I really like the creative aspect of knitting. I almost never actually use the suggested yarn in a pattern and I’ve made a few bags with just ideas in my head about what I think would work. I have knitted one lace item, a wedding shawl for a good friend of mine and I have to say I think that knitting lace is probably my favorite although I haven’t explored it as much as I would like to yet.
9. What are you knitting right now? Any current obsessions like socks, lace, felting, etc.?
I am currently knitting my second sweater! It is a gorgeous blue color that I love to work with. I am making my foray into the felting world with my first felted bag. I’ve knitted it and now I need to felt it. However, it’s not my obsession. I think lace would be my obsession.
10. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? What have you always wanted to try knitting/crocheting?
I’m always up for developing my knitting skills. I usually chose a pattern that has something new in it for me to try. I’m really interested in learning more about lace knitting. Eventually I’d like to be able to design my own lace.
11. How old is your oldest UFO (UnFinished Object)?
I have a cross-stitch project that is over three years old. As far as knitting I think my oldest project is 5 months old. It’s a bag that I just didn’t get around to finishing.
12. Do you have any knitting magazine subscriptions? Any that you love or buy regularly?
Nope. The knitting mags in my area aren’t great. I saw a Rowan mag once and I really liked the creativity, but I only liked a few of the projects. I think I would like a knitting mag that was more down to earth than commercial.
13. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?
I love receiving handmade gifts! To me they are very special because of their inherent uniqueness.
14. Would you like to receive hand knitted socks? If so, what are your foot measurements?
Yes! 8”ball, 9”length
Non-knitting stuff
1. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? Include a link.
2. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products, etc.) Any you can’t stand?
Shea butter, vanilla, raspberry
3. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy or snacks? Anything you would hate to get?
Yes! I love dark chocolate. That’s always the safest bet for me as I’m sometimes in the mood for other things and sometimes not, but I’m always in the mood for dark chocolate.
4. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (in case your buddy wants to make you a CD)
I have eclectic tastes. Folk, Bluegrass, Rock, Classical, most things in between. If you like it and think it’s good I’ll give it a shot. Some of my favorite bands/artists are U2, the Killers, Tori Amos, Ani DiFranco, Melissa Ethridge, Tracy Chapman, Joni Mitchel, Bob Dylan, Tom McRae, Jeff Buckley, Bruce Springstein, and lots more. My computer and stereo both play MP3s.
5. What is your favorite holiday?
I enjoy Valentine’s Day and Halloween.
6. Do you have a favorite animated character, animal, etc.?
From Finding Nemo I enjoy Nemo and Dori.
From Wallace and Gromet I enjoy Gromet, the Penguin, and the Sheep.
I love animals! Cats, dogs, penguins, sea otters, and camels are some of my favorites.
7. Are you into any fandoms? (Harry Potter, Buffy, etc.)
I’m not really into any fandoms. However, I do enjoy science fiction/fantasy. So dragons, witches, and wizards are fun for me. I suppose that would mean my fandoms would include the book and series the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Harry Potter. Although with Harry Potter I’m much more a fan of the books than of the movies.
8. How do you decorate your room/house? Is there anything that you collect?
I’m artistic, so my room is decorated with my art. There isn’t really anything I collect.
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand? Is there a specific color family/palette that you enjoy knitting with or wearing? I talked about color earlier, where I talk about yarns/fibers I like.
10. Would you like and use icons, layouts, banners or wallpapers? Anything specific?
Knitting icons would be fun and appreciated!
Other information about you
1. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin? Dye yarn? Are you looking to try any of these, and which ones?
I am very crafty. I also sew, do origami, paint (w/ acrylics) and bead. I don’t spin. I have done one batch of yarn dying with acid dyes on wool. I enjoyed it very much, although I haven’t had time to dye another batch.
2. What is your family/living situation? Do you have any pets?
I live with one roommate. She has two cats. My living situation will be changing in February when I move to New Zealand to study for a year. I have no idea what my living situation will be then.
3. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens/gloves, slippers or ponchos?
Yes to all of the above!
4. When is your birthday? (mm/dd)
5. Anything else you’d like to add?
Thank You!