Thank you, sarah_iam!

Sep 08, 2006 00:49

sarah_iam has been my fantastic Secret Pal! Her final package, contained...

For example, if the photo wasn't showing up, you would imagine to see...

Knitting Rules by the Yarn Harlot! (FANTASTIC! We just began stocking this at work, and I've been telling myself not to buy it for weeks, and now I know why! More on this wonderful book in a moment!)

A pillow with windmills cyanotyped on it- just what I need for my back in my car! Just the perfect size!

Two balls of sock yarn- in bright yellow. I have a feeling Miss Sarah wants me to actually work on every sock I've ever started! (I also have a feeling this will work)

A small felted bowlp- the perfect size for tossing my spare change in (beause I'm sure it's not healthy to toss it in my purse, car, sock drawer, work apron, nephew's room, or any of the other billion places I toss it.

A bar of AvacadoMato body and hair soap. I love dual-purpose soaps! They're simply wonderful when I'm at a fair all weeked and don't get a chance to really, well, shower. Body soap that works on hair is a God-send! Plus, it smells fantastic.

An elephant zippered-pocket, with two pins tucked away inside. One with a little white lamb on it, and other other with an elephant saying "e is for..." It made me very happy to get a little elephant something in each package- thank you!

And, lastly, a ball of Patons ChaCha. Her grandmother gave it to her. I'm thinking I'll pass it along to my grandmother, because, really now, grandmothers are into that thing, aren't they? I can't even imagine how one would find the end of this stuff. *clings to her sock yarn* I still laughed when I saw it though!

More about the book? You wanted to hear more about the book? My awesome secret pal, sarah_iam got my book Signed!

Despite the blurry photo, it says, "To Janet- Obsession is normal." Also, a photo of MY BOOK made it onto the Yarn Harlot's Blog! My book with my secret pal!"

Like I said, my secret pal was fantastic!
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