Title: Caught in the act (Part B)
Pairing: Harry/Louis (Larry Stylinson)
Summary: When Ed and Gemma get tired of watching Harry and Louis dance around their feelings for each other, they take matters into their own hands. After several failed attempts, Gemma finds out some shocking (yet rather pleasing) news.
It was still early when she awoke to the buzzing of her mobile phone.
“Augh, what is it?”
“Morning! I’m fine, thanks for asking.” came the sarcastic reply.
“Ed? It’s…” she lifted her head up to look at the clock and groaned “not even 7:30 yet, why the hell are you up so early?”
“Because I clearly care about our beloved friends more than you do. Are they together yet?”
Remembering their plan, she was suddenly wide awake and tiptoeing down the hallway to her brothers room. When she pushed the door open, a smile lit up her face.
“I’m not sure, but they soon will be. I’ll call you later.” She whispered, as she hung up.
Before her, Harry and Louis were cuddled up in bed. Her brother had his head buried in the older boys chest, while Louis had his arms wrapped tightly around the curly haired boys waist. It was truly an adorable sight. Raising her phone, she snapped a quick picture before leaving. She didn’t have the heart to wake them just yet, and maybe an hour or so more of sleep wouldn’t hurt.
“Leprechaun, I swear to god, give me back my damn glasses!”
The next time she woke up, it was just as unpleasant as the first time. Sighing, she kicked off the covers and dressed before making her way downstairs, only to be met by Louis running blindly after a gleeful looking Niall. The sight made her laugh a little, and after saying good-morning, made her way to the kitchen where Harry was sat, eating a banana.
“Sleep well?” Gemma asked, a small smirk playing on her features.
“Yeah, it was alright.”
She was taken aback a little bit by how cool he was acting, but she didn’t let it phase her.
“I only ask because you looked so comfortable this morning.”
He frowned, looking up at her.
“What do you mean?”
The Cheshire girl simply shrugged, smiling as she opened the picture on her phone and showed it to him.
“Any explaining you want to do?”
She watched her brothers expression as he looked at the photo. There was something in his eyes that she couldn’t quite place, something he was hiding…
“No, not at all. We were asleep, and it’s kind of freaky that you took a picture of that.” he shrugged.
“Oh Harry, come on! That is not just sleeping. That’s how couples cuddle up!” she exclaimed somewhat exasperatedly.
“Think what you will, GemGem. We were just sleeping.” he chuckled, before hopping off of the counter to join the other lads.
It had been two days since the first attempt, and since then Gemma and Ed had tried three more times to make Harry and Louis admit their feelings for each other. Their attempts included dropping a numerous amount of innuendos and hints into conversations whenever they could (it had gotten so obvious that Anne had playfully clipped Gemma ‘round the ear after she made a comment on the mutual love of carrots shared by Larry,) to ‘accidentally’ telling Louis that it was okay for him to go and have a shower, ‘forgetting’ that that was what Harry was currently doing. Gemma hadn’t liked this idea much, but they were clasping at straws. In the end, Harry had left the bathroom ten minutes after Louis had entered, telling his sister it was a good job that he had nearly done when she sent Louis in. No matter what they tried, the lads just laughed it off and pretended it was nothing, and it was annoying both Ed and Gemma to no end.
“I don’t know what else we can do. I mean, the more I’ve thought about it, the more certain I am that they genuinely love each other, they’re just too fucking stubborn to do anything about it.”
“Language, Miss Styles!” Laughed Ed from the other end of the phone.
“Oh shut up, you’re not the one who has to suffer the humiliation of a plan failing every single time.” She smiled, plopping down on the sofa.
“Maybe you should just talk to Harry. I mean, if he’s fighting his feelings then there must be a reason behind it. If you can find out what that is, maybe we can resolve it.”
She thought for a moment, before smiling.
“When did you get so smart, hey?”
“Don’t let the looks fool you, I’m not just a pretty face.” he chuckled.
“Okay, whatever pal. Intervention time is here, so wish me luck!”
“Good lu-” Ed didn’t even have time to finish his sentence, before the dial tone filled his ears. Sighing, he also hung up and just prayed that the conversation wouldn’t go horribly wrong.
Gemma hesitated behind Harry’s door for a moment, debating whether or not to knock. In the end, she decided that if she wanted to get answers then she needed to be forceful, so just walked in.
“Harry listen, I-”
To say that she was shocked by the sight that greeted her, was an understatement. Before her stood her brother, wrapped in the arms of Louis. They wrenched their lips apart, when they heard her come in, but it was too late. She had seen them. Her gaze fell to where both their shirts were now open, their hands frozen on the others chests, and raised an eyebrow.
“Something you want to tell me?” she asked, subtly pinching herself to make sure that she was awake.
“It’s…. exactly what it looks like.” said Harry a little sheepishly. He had to wince at his sisters high pitched squeal as she bolted forwards and wrapped her arms around the two younger boys.
“At last! At fucking last!”
Louis laughed at her eagerness, but didn’t protest as she hugged them. It was nice, knowing that his boyfriend’s family accepted them.
“We got together a few months after we were signed, nobody actually knows yet. We’ve been planning on telling people, we just didn’t know how.” the youngest boy explained.
“Then why the hell have you been making it sound like such an absurd assumption every time I try to suggest that you’re a couple, and why didn’t you go along with my matchmaking schemes?” she pouted playfully, punching him in the arm.
“Ouch! And because, call us cheesy, but we wanted to tell people in our own way. Damn, that actually hurt. Have you been practising?”
Gemma gave her brother a teasing glare, before hugging them both once more.
Wait until Ed heard about this.