Title: It's nearly time. Pairing: Harry/Louis Summary: Sequel to By my side; Here he is, checking that everything is as they had wanted because he's a fucking brilliant best man and an even better best friend.
This is BULLSHIT, woman. You are NOT allowed to put me through that inner turmoil. No. No, no, no. You should be ASHAMED of yourself.
Now that I'm done scolding, this was sooooooo pretty and beautiful and wonderful and everything else in the world, and it was so great. I love sarah for being the shit, she's so amazing, and then Nialler for pushing it and Harry for growing the balls to say it and Louis for finally (FINALLY) doing something about it. Just...YES. Also, for Stan loving Nialler the most lmao cracked me up.
Eee, I'm sorry! (Only, not so sorry. Sorry that I'm not sorry...)
I needed a fic where the would-be-bride wasn't a bitch and accepted it. I've read so many where the woman is all "Omfg I hate you" once she gets jilted, and I'm like 'dude, there was no way you could have believed Louis' straight, why are you so mad?' so I was a little self-indulgent with this.
Thank youuu :D.
Also, for some reason I'm having Stan/Niall feels. I don't even know why. So that's where that came from ;). Xx
Don't be sorry for not being sorry. I wouldn't be sorry if I were you, either. YES that always astounds me. One of my very favorite things is after the confession, they don't get all snivelly and teary-eyed. Kind of bugs me sometimes. Like, yeah they've said they arent' afraid to have a cry. Doesn't mean they tear up with every 'I love you', for heaven's sake. Good for you, for being self-indulgent!!! it paid out. Hmmm, stan and nialler, eh? interesting...I found myself last night having true zayn ~feels for the first time. I mean he's always been hot and all but I've never been like omfg the way I have for Harry and Louis (mostly) and then Liam and Nialler. Zayn's always been the last. Now...I might have to reevaluate. Dammit.
But yeah, some scenes do lack a certain amount of verisimilitude (Oooh, revising my terminology for when I go back to college ;D).
I have no idea where that pairing came from. I got to that part and knew I had to include Stan a little more because he was severely lacking, and then I knew I had to have a bit more Niall, and then- boom. Stiall. Oh I know all about random Zayn feels. I was on my way to work, listening to Stole my heart, and then suddenly, it was like Zayn's voice was sex. I went into the shop smiling like an idiot and everyone was like, "What's up with you?" XD
I love the new word lol good job. Haha but it was funny! They'd be funny together. YEAH it was out of the blue and I'm just like wtf zayn you're NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THIS TO ME
You are NOT allowed to put me through that inner turmoil. No. No, no, no. You should be ASHAMED of yourself.
Now that I'm done scolding, this was sooooooo pretty and beautiful and wonderful and everything else in the world, and it was so great. I love sarah for being the shit, she's so amazing, and then Nialler for pushing it and Harry for growing the balls to say it and Louis for finally (FINALLY) doing something about it. Just...YES.
Also, for Stan loving Nialler the most lmao cracked me up.
I needed a fic where the would-be-bride wasn't a bitch and accepted it. I've read so many where the woman is all "Omfg I hate you" once she gets jilted, and I'm like 'dude, there was no way you could have believed Louis' straight, why are you so mad?' so I was a little self-indulgent with this.
Thank youuu :D.
Also, for some reason I'm having Stan/Niall feels. I don't even know why. So that's where that came from ;).
YES that always astounds me. One of my very favorite things is after the confession, they don't get all snivelly and teary-eyed. Kind of bugs me sometimes. Like, yeah they've said they arent' afraid to have a cry. Doesn't mean they tear up with every 'I love you', for heaven's sake.
Good for you, for being self-indulgent!!! it paid out.
Hmmm, stan and nialler, eh? interesting...I found myself last night having true zayn ~feels for the first time. I mean he's always been hot and all but I've never been like omfg the way I have for Harry and Louis (mostly) and then Liam and Nialler. Zayn's always been the last. Now...I might have to reevaluate. Dammit.
But yeah, some scenes do lack a certain amount of verisimilitude (Oooh, revising my terminology for when I go back to college ;D).
I have no idea where that pairing came from. I got to that part and knew I had to include Stan a little more because he was severely lacking, and then I knew I had to have a bit more Niall, and then- boom. Stiall. Oh I know all about random Zayn feels. I was on my way to work, listening to Stole my heart, and then suddenly, it was like Zayn's voice was sex. I went into the shop smiling like an idiot and everyone was like, "What's up with you?" XD
Haha but it was funny! They'd be funny together.
YEAH it was out of the blue and I'm just like wtf zayn you're NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THIS TO ME
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