Rise and rise again until lambs become lions

Sep 20, 2014 14:56

...in which I talk about SPN conventions and other conventions and photos and travels of this summer.

So I've been meaning to make this one huge post, right? I guess it's obvious now that it's not happening but today I've got a whole day to myself and I feel like I haven't had a proper day off in quite a while, so I thought it would be a shame to waste it and not to make a post!

I don't even know where to start, so I guess a bullet list it is. And tons of links and photos and ramblings. What else is new.

• May was pretty crazy and awesome and all those things in between. I got a chance to go to Amuuuuurica and visit people and attend a Supernatural convention and meet people there and see places and yeah. It was pretty overwhelming. The ever so amazing cherie_morte was my personal DC guide and let me tell you guys. She does The Best tours of the city! I also had the chance to meet riyku who's the sweetest person ever and so not what I imagined :D We had the best time at the convention and just in the city. I feel like I should have written this huge report about things, just to remember every single bit of it, you know? But I guess i have memories for that, a ton of photos and even videos. After that we went to NYC which was absolutely different but nevertheless awesome. We explored the city, went to "Of Mice and Men", SOMEHOW managed to find ourselves a "The Normal Heart" premiere which we left early because we were super hungry and didn't meet half of the people that were actually there. I mean, who needs Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt and Angelina when you have foooooood? Right? Totally justified! It was an incredible experience and I would so love to come back and visit even more cities. I am already planning that next trip :D

Photos from the convention:
J2 breakfast album
J2 panel album
Friday album
Saturday album

• After that I spent a couple of days in Moscow where I practically slept the whole time and edited photos. Next on the list was ROME \o/ :D

• Rome was... Not that overwhelming? I guess it was because I went there after the states and that was a bigger deal for me? But anyway, we absolutely loved it. I went with some friends of mine who spent the last 4 years coming here for the convention, so they took me to all the usual places. We also met Matt Cohen somewhere... er I don't even remember where. But he and his wife were super awesome and sweet, we took some photos together and were on our way.

• JIB5. I guess you all read everything you wanted to read and so all the photos and videos already. I loved the con, but I missed that feeling of being among family. I think it was because of all the different nationalities, people tended to stick together country and language wise. There were some unpleasant moments, but all in all it was cool. I managed to meet germanjj who I last saw in 2010. TEN YOU GUYS. When I was in Germany in summer school. Can you believe it? I also met < lj user="redteekal"> which was like meeting a star haha We geeked out about photography and it was the best thing ♥ ♥ ♥ And they say you can't find friends on the Internet huh.

Photos from the convention:
Friday album
Saturday album
Sunday album.

• So I got back home by the end of May but I didn't want to end this traveling kick that was going on, so two weeks later me and a couple of friends of mine went to Budapest. You guys. It was amazing. The city is beautiful and we also traveled around a bit, saw some castles, went to some other nearby cities. The food is awesome and everything is pretty cheap. Here's some photos I took while we were there. Would love to come back some time :)

• In June I also had the chance to photograph my friend's wedding. It's still kinda hard to believe because we actually met online through fandom and we've known each other for only a couple of years and she invited me to her wedding and since they were in a bit of a situation with a photographer I was like, if you're willing to do this, I can be your photographer. She said yes, and you guys, it's the best (and most terrifying) thing ever when you're allowed to take pictures of such an important moment in life of your friend. I've been to a bunch of weddings but hands down, this one was the best. Here's the photos I took. I'm super glad and actually relieved that they liked it haha

• July was basically work-work-work and preparations for yet another trip. Funny story: when we were on our way to Budapest, I told my friend that there was a convention in Philly and Sebastian Stan was attending (if you don't know, I've been on Captain America kick ever since April. It's becoming a real problem) and she was like "I wanna go! But I won't have enough time to make my visa!" So we kinda dropped the idea, but then in July they announced that Stan and Anthony Mackie were attending the Chicago Comic Con in august and just for the lols of it I told my friend, like, "you know what? The Universe is laughing at us". And she's like, "why? Let's go! I'll have time to make the visa, you already have yours". But I didn't have the money, not after May, so she lent me some and we actually just fucking went there. Money and food are overrated anyway *sighs*

• So. Wizard World Chicago Comic Con. You guys, I don't know how people do it. Like, it was a smaller version, obviously, so I have no fucking idea how people manage to do anything in San Diego, because there's just so much of EVERYTHING. We went there literally for one dude and even then we were in a rush quite a few times. It's so different from SPN conventions. The panel was awesome, the autographs were awesome, though poor Sebastian - he was EXHAUSTED and everyone wanted to hug him or take a picture with him and he - bless his soul - just couldn't say no. Photoops were awesome, obviously :D Here's the convention photos and here's that couple of shots I managed to take in Chicago. As I said we literally went there for the convention and we barely had a day or two to see the city itself. It was superrrrrr hot which was kinda unexpected? But I also met with dugindeep who was sooooo sweet and she took us to that one restaurant/bar thingy and we had a nice evening and then she even helped me find a B&N outside of Chicago that actually had this book I was trying to find in stock. So, she literally was a lifesaver ♥ Needless to say I wanna go back and explore the city properly.

• And now I'm back home, back to work, back to school, back to thinking where to go next. This traveling thing is really addicting. It's harder when traveling and photography are both the things you're passionate about. I wanna see so many places and meet people and take pictures of these experiences and share them with the world. I've been thinking about what I want from life, and I think this is it: being able to go places and take pictures of things and people. Now I just need to figure out the way to actually start doing it.

ANYWAY. If I missed anything important please throw a link or two in the comments, I'd love to catch up and read all the stuff :)

lj stuff, art/photo., me_myself_and_i

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