Memories fade like looking through a fogged mirror decisions too decisions are made and not bought

Jul 25, 2012 18:09

Just a drive by post! :')

→ I was kinda doing fandom stuff.
Lonely Souls - right after I came back from France I made this thing. Was actually surprised myself.
We Are Infinite - In the end of June felt pretty nostalgic so made this s1-3 feels vid.
Instinct & Taste - YAY BIG BANG! \o/ Working with Kells was a blast ♥
And Still This Heart Will Yearn (Teen Wolf) - I still don't know how I managed to actually started watching this thing. But yay excitement of a new show vidding wise.
I still way many projects that I can't finish it seems. But hey, at least I don't have a block or something.

→ Speaking about brotherly feels, look!

theheartofspn theheartofspn theheartofspn theheartofspn

A new comm for SPN fans to gather together in celebrating seven years & beyond of Winchester brothers! As we wait out this summer hiatus for the show's eighth season to begin (on its brand new night even!), let's reinvigorate that Winchester spirit again. Join fans new & old in celebrating the canon of the past, the creative fanworks its fueled, and the exciting potential it still holds!

Signup for the comm's kickoff event, Winchester Summer Lovefest, now thru end of July!

Isn't it awesome?! ♥ I have a couple of ideas but then again - can't choose a song. It's kinda my general problem these days - too many songs, too little time. UGH.

vidding, lj stuff, spn

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