I really should do something else, in fact, I need to do anything but this! :D
heardrawndream posted this
caps manip today and again something popped out in my head. Sometimes I wish I had some kind of block, like in Opera for pop out windows xD
Anyway, this is what came from it. I kinda missed it, I really want paint a bit more.
A few hours of work, Painter, tablet and music.
Title: I Wish You Could Just Find Home
Author: Loki
Medium: Paintover, table pen
Rating: G
Pairing: no
Bigger size at my
deviantart Credits:
Original Dean caps manipp is by
heardrawndream, go and tell her how awesome she is :P
Textures: texture set by
kiho-chanBrushes: default Painter brushes
Bisou ♥