Mar 10, 2010 14:38
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN BLEACH THIS WEEK?!?! I'm going grey from the stress of wating for the next issue of JUMP to come out :( Is Yamamoto going to kick that drooling idiot's ass?! Is Captain Dickbag Aizen going to kill him dead?!?! I CAN'T TAKE THE SUSPENSE. DAMN YOU, KUBO, JUST GIVE US THE ENDING ALREADY. I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT.
Though I guess we've yet to see Isshin (ISSHIIIIIIIIIN~) and Urahara and Yoruichi and and...who's the loud kid. Keigo! Yeah, him and Tatsuki and the little pimp with the weird hair. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT, HUH?
Personally I'm hoping that Isshin shows up and saves the DAY because Isshin is who I want to be when I grow up. Apart from the beard. Beards are itchy.
Also I am not talking to Naruto right now. Maybe someday in the future I'll go through and finish it, but I quit that bandwagon once whatserface started acting all loco. You know the one I mean. Whatserface. Has permanent PMS issues and looks like she washes her hair with strawberry milk which sounds delicious.
Oh yeah, my classes have exams and stuff. Do your best, everyone. The bribe line is still open if you want to drop me off some delicious candy/strawberry milk/JUMP.
i am not a responsible adult,
oh yeah i teach stuff,
wry u do this,
not cool man,
gimme candy,
omg bleach,
candy is life,
where is isshin,
breakin' the 4th wall,