Hi, to the random people visiting my semi concious journal.

Jun 11, 2010 23:40

Life is non-exciting right now. I've just been reading Pride & Prejudice and working. I deep cleaned my room last weekend.. While doing so I discovered the ipod shuffle I thought I had lost at the airport two years ago! hah! So now I have something to new to sell on ebay! It's in perfectly new condition, so perhaps I can get at least $50 for it.

Photolab supervisor job at CVS is going kind of well. It's kind of a trial and error for me since I've got no experience in the supervising aspect and I'm new to the company, but given some time to get used to it I know I'll be good at it. Also the new store business has been booming. It's insane how busy we've been. Got my first paycheck although I'm missing one weeks pay, it's nice to see a decent paycheck finally. I've been trying to save my money, but I'm right back where i started. So I'm starting again. After the next few checks I'm opening a savings account. It'll be money I save for when we [the family - minus brother i'm sure] move to Colorado in 3 years.

Also.. I don't know how you east coast people deal with the humidity! Having been in Colorado for the last two summers I'm completely spoiled for the dry air. now the slightest bit of humidity I can't stand!! It's not even officially summer yet.

It's also interesting how much I don't miss Buffalo. I've removed all my old Buffalo contacts from facebook except for the friends I cared about. I'd like to add or make it known, for those who may not have figured it out - I'm no longer friends with zombitard. I had a nasty falling out with her. It could've at least ended better, but I don't regret it because otherwise I wouldn't have found out what she really thought of me. She pretty much pretended to like me and be my friend. I've gotten to a point in my life where looking back on our "friendship", it really just feels like a mistake or like it never really existed. To those of you still friends with her... great for you. If you want to remove me I completely understand your loyalty.

PS - Sorry, I don't comment much, but I do read most of my flist. :)
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