May 08, 2008 16:03
// sorry for the odd s paces.. the keys i n this laptop are fucked from when i took t hem o ut to clean it a nd I'm tired of going back in to fix every space. arrgg so annoy ing///
I'm trying to set up the router on my grandma's laptop and i've just realized that she isn't connected through a modem - she's connected to the internet directly through the ethernet . Her service is comcast.
okay.. uh oh. just did ipconfig/all in the dos command. It says IP Routing enabled: NO
WINS Proxy Enabled: NO
Is it possible to just buy any modem, hook it up to the ethernet and then IP Routing would be enabled? i suppose if anything I'll have to call her service provider. siiiigh.
i'm gonna attempt to s et it up without t he modem... assuming that aol is acting as the modem. lol like i know what i 'm talking about.
That aside... got in okay. i'm infuriated that my bags were checked by security a nd t hey didnt bother to secure it with the straps. and that when I took t he bag o ff the carousel it w as fucking zipped o pen on one side. THEY COULD HAVE FUCKING CLOSED I T. This just adds to the list o f reasons why i HATE security and I HATE flying.
Went food shopping and got a ton of natural stuff, Omega 3's combined with flaxseed, and zing combined w ith copper.
So internet... AAAAH! need it on m y comp wihtout h aving to be in my grandma's bedroom. SHIT. I was afraid o f this.
I saw McCain on Colbert and I fucking love that man. lol McCain ALL THE WAY.
EDiT: Looking through her comcast info. It's cable internet. and my grandpa says the modem is indeed behind the couch in the other room. i noticed the ethernet wire goes through the wall into the living room. the smartwizard on the Netgear cd detects a modem, so maybe it's in the other room somewhere.. but ugh. I obviously need to call.
From what I understand..the ethernet cord already connected to the modem, stays connected to the modem? And then a second ethernet cord (the one provided with the router) connects to the modem and the computer?? and the original cord would also connect to the router? so to do what needs to be done... another hole would have to be drilled in the wall to get to the modem and I'd probably need a longer cord.
sorry..Edit again: just thinking that this would probably cost money and considering i'm taking the router w ith me when i leave..ugh. i'll call and see if it's possible to have t hem move t he router i nto t he bedroom . f uck! i'll t ry to connect to a random network if o ne i s available.