Mar 11, 2005 20:56
I went rollerblading yesterday. YAY! Excersize really does get those happy endorphins going in the brain. YAY happy dolphins flipping in my brain! ;) I felt totally better after. And I usually avoid hills cuz I'm not very good at stopping, but I was on a small neighbourhood road and I decided that if a car came, there was room to for them to go around, and that if I didn't move my feet I wouldn't fall. So I went. I felt like I was flying!!!! It was so awesome! I love wheels under my feet and the wind in my face. To me, THIS is overcoming; this is conquering! YAY me!
And later that day, I had an awesome talk with 2 of my favorite friends. I love my talks with them. I always leave so encouraged and so looking at the world in a different way. Radness. I realized that I've been seeking "happiness" lately, but that can not be sought as an entity in itself. It's like trying to find a friend. You can't just "get a friend" gotta be interested in something and then find someone with whom to share that (CS Lewis: "The Four Loves"). I realized that what I really need is fulfillment...and that can only be found by taking the focus off myself and putting it back on God. Living for myself will never cease to disappoint.
"You can be sure that you are just one of the countless millions who live and die almost unknown and soon be forgotton. So be the first to forget yourself" -Frank Labaunch (thanks for that one Stu)
Blessings on all of you!