Aug 14, 2006 01:42

Why am I always made out to be the fucking bad guy in EVERY situation?! I love how people just assume that because I'm here and they're there, and that we're not on even ground right now, that it's okay to just randomly make people pissed off at Kira without putting the WHOLE FUCKING STORY OUT THERE!

HA! Stupid fucking people.

You want the story as to why Dana and I aren't talking? I can give you the entire MySpace convo that we had.
Sorry if I'm NOT sypmathetic towards someone who does shite like this time and time... And time and time again. And then expects sympathy when people, such as myself and other nameless people, get sick of it and call her on it. You want to take "sides" without getting both sides of the story, go right ahead, but until you've got both sides of the story, don't come to me and bitch me out for "being a cold heartless bitch" to her.


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