Made in PS7
First thing I did was sharpen the picture and then blur her skin. Then I used the lasso tool and selected her lips, then I pasted her lips onto another layer and set them to soft light and I sharpened them a few times.
Then I cropped the picture. (the lips should still be on another layer through out the whole process, and they should be on top of all the layers)
Next I duplicated the base twice. Set the first copy (middle layer) to soft light opacity 80%. The second copy set to screeen opacity 63%.
Now add this texture, made by me found in
secretly__dying (tis easy to find), and set it to overlay.
Add this texture, found in the same set as the above, and set it to soft light.
Then add this gradient (color 8781BD to 6D2926 at the angle 152) set to soft light.
Now this texture, made by me, found
here set to soft light. I erased the part over her face and a bit on the top left.
This texture made by
colorfilter set to soft light opacity and fill at 65%.
Now this texture by
rough_draft___ set to liner dodge.
Set this texture, made by
colorfilter, and set it to screen opacity 65%. I erased the part on her face and shoulders.
Go back to this layer and duplicate it, then drag it to the top.
Now just add text and a border (ctrl+A then edit - stroke) and your done.