When you walk in your front door, which room do you enter?
the kitchen
Do you have a dishwasher?
Yes! (thanks again,
heathercor Is your living room carpeted or does it have hardwood floors?
hardwood, but we've got area rugs
Do you keep your kitchen knives on the counter or in a drawer?
we've got a magnet thing on the wall that the knives stick to.
House, apartment, duplex or trailer?
How many bedrooms is it?
technically 3, but i'd say 2, and currently only 1 has a bed in it :)
Gas stove or electric?
Do you have a yard?
indeed, we share it w/my mom.
What size TV is in the living room?
i have no idea. 36? 38? big enough.
Are your plates in the same cupboard as your cups?
Is there a coffee maker sitting on your kitchen counter?
indeed. we've got two more on a shelf.
What room is your computer in?
my desktop is in my "office" but we usually use laptops in the living room
Are there pictures hanging in your living room?
haha, just two at the moment, one of jason varitek smooshing his glove in a-rod (or jeter's?) face and the other of andy & his brothers at his brother's wedding- eventually i want honeymoon pictures in here though.
Are there any themes found in your home?
um, in theory, but mostly it's "emily can't throw anything away"
What kind of laundry detergent do you use?
Bio-Kleen it smells good & works well!
Do you use dryer sheets?
nopw, we use these instead which is awesome cause i can just leave them in the dryer, i could never remember to use dryer sheets, and i am trying to reduce what we throw away so it's a win-win for me :)
Do you have any curtains in your home?
in a couple rooms.
What color is your fridge?
Is your house clean?
well, it's clean in that it's not dirty, it's not organized, or really presentable at this point.
What room is the most neglected?
well, that's hard to decide. i guess the office.
Are the dishes in your sink/dishwasher clean or dirty?
without going to look, i think there are clean dishes drying in half the sink & dirty dishes in the dishwasher.
How long have you lived in your home?
11 months.
Where did you live before?
about two miles away.
Do you have one of those fluffy toilet lid covers on your toilet?
no, i'm not really a fan of those.
Do you have a scale anywhere in your house?
My bathroom
How many mirrors are in your house?
again, guessing? 2 or 3
Look up. What do you see?
the light on the TV that shows it's plugged in but off. (it's a stupid light, but i'm sitting in the dark in the living room)
Do you have a garage?
nope. we have a shed...