Jan 03, 2013 01:29
My dad is off his unnecessary sedatives, now. He's happy and laughs at me, again. I was in the car traveling out of town with them yesterday, and out of nowhere, a coworker called me, and I was trapt having to talk to him in front of them. They both face palmed something I accidentally said, and made fun of me just like the old days. I'm so happy dad seems like himself, again. It's going to be peaks and valleys, but I was pleasantly surprised.
As for Dan, I have no idea what the hell that was about. I've worked in PCU a hand full of times, because my unit is small with just nine beds that they don't like to have full because we're like the psych ICU with heart attacks, and some strokes and head bleeds that like to come in groups of sixes. So I'll volunteer to float to keep from getting bored, or just a break, almost every time (because no one likes change). I've made small talk with Dan, but just noticed his curiosity and lack of experience, mostly, like squinting at him as he jumped up over a high blood pressure, while I chewed on a granola bar doing online tarot cards.
The last night I was up there, they gave me the codes to locked rooms and I wrote them on my hand. They gave me 80% of their worst patients, scattered from one end to the other, as they should, and I was running my ass off. I wiped my face with my hand and couldn't decipher the codes anymore. I knocked on the med room, and he opened it, and staying close to his face I asked if I had a mustache. He stared for a second and then made a joke like "No, but you have a goatee", and I told him what had happened. Then he came and sat where I was and we talked throughout the shift. He switched his majors something like five times and has nine years of college, and a bachelors in neuropsych. He ran a marathon for pediatric cancer drunk in college, and has an ex gf who cheated on him with AJ from the backstreet boys before they were famous, and other odd details I couldn't believe he'd share.
So anyway, I was out at a bar recently, with some coworkers. I had stopped drinking and things were winding down. At 2am, in walks this tall guy looking almost too dressed up. "Heyyy..that's PCU Dan.." He said hi a couple times, but was always pulled away by his friends. So I left shortly after.
He texted me Happy New Year, and clarified who he was and I thought the convo was over. I was on fb, and all of a sudden it said he liked four pics. Then he called. I brought up seeing him randomly walk into the bar when people were leaving, and jokingly asked if he was selling narcotics. He remarked how I'd disappeared. Probably because it was nearly 4am.
Come to think of it, I wrote to a mutual friend on fb talking about going out, but didn't want to cave to her plans, so just stayed home, and he ended up inviting her to get a drink with him and his friends, and I kind of wonder if he thought I was with her.
I think he's a great guy, then again he's outgoing, funny, and employed.