Title: Secret Life Pairings: Jensen/Jared Rating: nc17 Summary: Jensen and Jared are both agents for an unknown department of defense for the United States government... Think Indiana Jones meets James Bond.
I thought about him coming out naked *nods* but that could possible look sillier than the sheet. Plus, he destroyed Jensen's bed to get the sheet *nods* again.
Nah, Steve is too easy going to know Jared is "the fox".
Poor Jared. Well, I was expecting him to walk out butt naked, so at least he was concealed in a sheet! *Grins* And I'm so happy that for once, Jensen is the one feeling jealous towards Jared and Steve's friendship. Not that Jared was ever jealous of Jude, but ya know.Means Jensen actually cares about someone coming between them. But Steve is a loyal and honest friend, so I'm pretty sure Jensen is safe. Also, when Jensen said...
“Dormir bien, mon fantôme,” does that mean, "Sleep well, my phantom?"
Sorry, I'm a little rusty on my translation! *Grins* If so, I hope he means that in a good way! Once again, still loving your story and looking forward to the update!;D
hehe, I was going to have him naked, but he needed something to grab when he got surprised steve was there.
Supposed to say, "Sleep well, my ghost", I went around calling my french speaking people to find out if I got the translation right because all I can do is butcher the language, but they could be wrong lol.
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Nah, Steve is too easy going to know Jared is "the fox".
“Dormir bien, mon fantôme,” does that mean, "Sleep well, my phantom?"
Sorry, I'm a little rusty on my translation! *Grins* If so, I hope he means that in a good way! Once again, still loving your story and looking forward to the update!;D
Supposed to say, "Sleep well, my ghost", I went around calling my french speaking people to find out if I got the translation right because all I can do is butcher the language, but they could be wrong lol.
hehe, thanks, I'm glad you love it :0)
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