Doctor Who: Doomsday

Jul 09, 2006 01:46

I loved this episode pretty much, and, for once, I don't think the emotional stuff was overdone. It seemed to be there for a purpose and I reckon it achieved that purpose well. In fact, I really can't think of anything to say, so a couple of short notes:


- Some absolutely diabolical Dalek dialogue. "You are only better than us in one way... in being able to die more easily, ha ha ha, I've had your mum and she was rubbish." In fact the majority of that scene should be struck from the record.

- Pete popping up just in time to save Rose seemed a bit silly, though I realise it had to occur. But I really could have done without Pete's cold "She's your daughter, not mine," line a few minutes earlier. That's just dodgy.

- Why are all the Cybermen sucked through the void when not all of them crossed from it (some were made in the Torchwood institute itself)? And would the Time Lords really have had a prison ship containing millions of Daleks? Why wouldn't they have just killed them? Or destroyed the ship? It just gives us a huge Dalek army which then doesn't get to do much. I'll admit, this stuff only niggled me after the episode itself, though. Though are we always going to get "the last Daleks in the Universe" all the time? I mean, how many of the bloody things escaped the Time War anyway?!

- Couldn't we have seen at least one of the Daleks getting destroyed by the Cybermen? I mean, the Cybermen were always going to seem a bit useless in comparison but, come on, they were absolute wusses when it came to the big fight.


Everything else. The way Rose left was particularly great, including the situation she's now found herself in, though that's possibly as I'm just glad the bitch has gone. I mean, seriously, she's a bit pathetic at times in this, seemingly unable to cope with even living if the Doctor's not there. Get some self respect, love, for Christ's sake. Still, I needn't worry any more. Spllllllllendid. Tennant was marvellous, every actor was top notch, and... yeah, I just liked it all, really. To be honest, the only thing that i really disliked about the episode was some of that out-of-character Dalek dialogue, which made me cringe at the time. You can argue as experimental Daleks that they've learnt such crude techniques from other enemies. Still makes them sound stupid, though.

So, a blinder of an episode, that. I went to a house party immediately afterwards, and most of the girls there were talking about having had to miss it, and telling me not to say anything about the episode as they'd stuck it on tape! It's wierd actually when my college friends have conversations about Doctor Who; it just doesn't seem right somehow when a bunch of non Who-fan teens are chatting merrily about the show. Still, it's rather nice.
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