booty skool

Jan 17, 2008 00:14

So, I got my old job back at the beauty school. I start tomorrow. Kinda weird. But it rocks to have a job drop out of the sky!

All I wanted to do yesterday was to clean out the fishtank and sanitize the parts. Instead, the director lady tells Josh (he is a teacher there) to have me call the owner and ask about getting my old job back. So I did, even though I thought it was odd. When I left that job she hired her 20 year old son as my replacement so I figured it was locked down. The reception desk at that school is totally easy to do, I also figured he would catch on and hang on for a long time. I guess not...

I am so glad I cleaned out that goddam fishtank. Josh bought an old desk and two huge army locker thingies from the antique store by the school, so today when he brought them home we moved around a bunch of furniture in the front room and freaked the cat out a whole bunch! Now the place looks great. It would have been such a pain in the ass if the tank was still full of water. Shit.

The question is now, how long will I stay this time? Do I have another year in me, or will I run off to (spraypainted) greener pastures again? And, will the cat be cool by herself all day or will she shred everything?

I'll probably have green hair again in the next few weeks. This natural haircolor is so freakish on me I can't stand it. I'm not job-searching anymore, haha.
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