Hello all! So in addition to yoga and pilates, I have also started taking Capoeira classes. It's a Brazilian style of martial arts, and it is A-mazing. It's not like karate going all HYAH!! and UGH! and stuff. There's really a beauty to it, and it's very fluid, almost like a dance. My teacher Rogerio is from Brazil and he is so cool! He teaches us about the meaning of stuff and how to pronounce everything and it is just awesome. They place Brazilian instruments and we all clap and sing, and I think I am really going to like it, even though it is HARD ass shit. They really expect you to do a LOT. Today was an "easy" day, and I was exhausted by the end of it. First we learned some quote "basic" moves on our own, and then we did the dance game where you have to do the moves with a partner. Now Rogerio and his partner/assistant, I didn't catch her name, have been doing this a loooong time, so they can read what the next will do next, and their dance is REALLY good. But when they teamed the rest of us up, we don't know each other at all, plus a lot of us were first timers, so we're like....are you gonna go?...or ok, um, that way I guess. But you're not supposed to talk, so you just look at each other like...eh? But overall, I really liked it alot, and I think that this will be a good thing to both take the place of cheerleading for me and also fulfill my dreams of being a dancer. It's not like ballet or anything by any means, but yeah. To me, it is one fluid dance. Here's a clip of some of the type of stuff that I did today! I think at one point, one of the guys does a jumping kick. We haven't done that....yet.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCOh99v_Io0&mode=related&search= I highly recommend the experience.