Bring on the cold weather!!!

Oct 17, 2007 00:05

Bring on the cold weather, because I've finally got a BERET dishes!!! My beret obsession began at age 6 when I watched the Secret Garden and she skipped about in a red beret and scarf.  I had an orange one for Halloween purposes, but I have never been able to find a normal color/order one offline/had the time/money on me to get one, until today!!!! I was down in the dumps over some parental issues, Andrew said we would have none of that! so because I got of class early meaning a FOUR HOUR BREAK before my next class he whisked me away to the mall for SPINACH AND ARTICHOKE pizza and LO I saw one on the way out and HURRAH! he bought me the long elusive, lusted after BERET!!!!

I'm a tad excited, can you tell?

Do you think I pull it off?! Really. You can tell me if I look like a dumbass, but I'll still wear it anyway!

And yes, that is Laura's beautimous scarf that she knitted for me that must also go with part of my winter ensemble :D

I love my boy! 'Tis the little things. Like yummy pizza and berets.   HEE :D   
But won't be appropriate to wear down here for like another two months! But when that day comes...I. will. be. READY!!!!!! HUZZAH!
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