Yeah, so this is just a really quick posts, not my usual leviathan-like long posts. NaNo is in a week! Can you believe it?? Just one more week to plan everything and put the little bits of unfinished outline together and spend my precious study time designing icons and covers and wondering why LJ won't let me upload my pretty icons. I've got one up there already and am going to slap them down there for you to wow at my awesome skill (actually, I kind of suck. I'm only good at coming up with pretty font.)
The one with the ballerina shoes are my favorite but the ones with the pocket watch is the cover. Well, in my head it would be nicer but I'm okay with it. I don't intend to share anything about the story except for this little blip and that's only because I'm so excited and conceited that I want you to know unnecessary things I don't even know if you want to know but I'm to assume anyway.
This is way more fun than studying Add Maths.
I love all of you!
Have you guys signed up??? I thought that NaNo was crazy when I first heard of it by my obsessive compulsion to immerse myself in all that is writing (Results: I got a Livejournal, a Goodreads I never use, lots of writing friends whom, frankly, I love to death because it makes me feel safe that I'm not the only ditz in the world, no offense) and I was so interested that I basically forgot all about homework and debate practices.
The results of NaNo 2009 were bad though. My story (the dilapidated SKY DANCER) died a slow and horrible death and I felt so horrible what I did to Aletta that I swore I would tuck her away into a small drawer, never to let her burn the eyes of some unsuspecting reader. It started out beautifully and fell flat on its face. So I hope I do better this year.
Hey, does that I've actually finished a novel and have one under my belt, officially?? Because I view SKY DANCER as more of a long short story.
So origins. I decided this is going to be relatively long post and I'm going to explain roughly where this came from. So I was desperate to try my hand at a play (complete with stage directions, ladies and gentlemen!) and even when I realized that doing this was uncannily difficult, I set it aside.
But an idea stuck. I don't remember where it came from but I know that it came when I was doing... something. I don't know if it was a song, a poem, a line in a book or something but I know there was a line that went 'my heart beats only for you'. It could be a Japanese song for all I know. All I know is that I was also in that phase (I regularly fall into it) where I was obsessed with puppets and automatons and well, now that I think about it, I've never really fallen out of it. So, this idea came. And without giving away too much, I've written the blurb below.
If you haven't joined, I sincerely hope you do because NaNoWriMo has so much to offer, especially for young writers like me who are always procrastinating (admit it). It's good if you're a person like me who will only work under pressure or deadline. Horrible habit but there it is. You learn to write fast and not care if what you're writing is absolute poop because all that matters is reaching your word count. And finishing beyond that number of words. And you learn so much about yourself as a writer. I learned that I can't write under pressure because the whole thing will go to the dogs. :) You can still read SKY DANCER on my FictionPress I think. Hmm.
Anyway. I have to go. Add Maths calls. Sign up
Asha is a clockwork doll.
Melchior is her Creator.
Rowenna is the Complication.
Kieran is the Instigator.
Four players. One heart to break,
" heart beats only for you..."