Last night I had a disturbing dream that my sister could take her ears off.
Somehow, in a stupid human tricks way, she could take them off and put them back on, without hurting herself or any damage being done.
I thought it was disturbing and disgusting, and was freaking out telling her to put them back on.
What if they got lost, or something happened to them?
Do you even know how long they can live detached from your body?
The whole time she was laughing, and told me to touch them. Go on, pick them up.
I felt like puking. This was not funny or amusing at all. It was sick and deranged in a serial killer way.
"What, I thought you would think it's cool." she laughed.
"You should take yours off too."
I couldn't believe she thought this was funny and didn't see how serious it was.
The only place your ears (or any body part) belongs is on your body.
But she just didn't get it, and thought it was funny that I was freaking out so much. ;^/
I can actually see the message in this now that is is written out.
Since everyone and thing in a dream is a part of you, my sister played the part of a part of myself that is acting crazy.
It's interesting that she took her ears off, and then wasn't listening.
She could still hear, since it was only the outer ear that came off. But all of this is very strong symbolism.
The difference between hearing and listening. The outer ear, which is the outside world part of the ear coming off. The inner ear inside your head still working.
Acting crazy, even having a little fun while doing it, and then not listening to your friends, and even yourself, when they get upset.
Maybe my mind wanted me to get a better idea of what I might look like right now from the outside to other people.