Kitty Lovers

Jan 28, 2011 17:09

I am almost positive Mini Mew is gay, now.

Well I have more "proof" to add to the story, anyway.

For the last week or two, Lady Tuna (my nickname for the Siamese mix) has been in heat, and he wants nothing to do with her!

As a neutered cat, it is normal not to show any interest sexually, but he has been hissing at her. Like "Ugghhh, NO. How many more times do I have to tell you, I'm gay!"

It started on a more subtle feline level.

Mini Mew began asserting his dominance more than usual, and that's all I thought it was.

After all, they only really began getting along. He did the same thing with Grey at first.

Being the dominant cat, he reminds them who's boss every now and then.

I still think it's interesting that cats are typically matriarchal, yet Mini Mew still is the king.

Fun fact: An intact sexually mature female cat is called a Queen.

Maybe she started giving off "dominant" smells, and Mini Mew felt threatened.

But she has shown no interest in overthrowing him, and is happy with her place in the hierarchy.

Grey and Lady Tuna seem to be of equal rank, under Mini Mew.

If anything, she only to wants to be his friend. Before he started hissing, she tagged along like a little sister. Even now, she still likes to sleep near him.

I kind of wondered if she didn't smell right to him and was going to go into heat soon.

However, I thought she may have been spayed, since I had her so long and it had not happened.

Well, I know for sure now.

It started with all night activity and more vocalizing than usual. But not the characteristic yowling.

Her and Grey spent several nights tearing through the house like they were kittens again.

Then one night, she began punctuating her usual whirring and cooing with cat calls.

It started with one insecure "Meow?"

Then progressively worked up to full blown, full volume distress calls.



Thankfully, she does not spend the whole night yelling for sexual attention at the top of her voice.

Most of her calls are more subdued, funny noises or mixes of her usual vocalizing with other sounds added in.


Maybe she knows that she has two guys around, and doesn't need to belt out a search call far and wide.

At first, I laughed that Grey just didn't seem to get it.

Despite having the naughty habit of humping my faux fur blankets.

The other day, Lady Tuna was curled up with me sleeping, and Grey began his little mating dance. Searching around for the perfect "scruff" of blanket to take into his teeth.

I thought "Oh come on, you have a real, live one, right here!"

As if he read my mind, he got up and left before he even started!

It was like he thought "This kind of lost its thrill. It's just not doing it for me today."

Usually, he'll go into a trance for about 10 minutes, suddenly snap out of it, then run away like he's embarrassed.

He couldn't even be bothered to get into it.

I think he began remembering what he was trying to simulate in the first place.

Finally, late last night, I woke to some new sounds.

Even before I looked, I was pretty sure of what happening.

It's hard to describe, but it almost sounds like whirring moaning. Like a little song bird having sex.

Sure enough, Grey finally had her by the scruff and was doing his mating dance.

However, the difference in size is causing some, err, problems.

Grey is a huge former Tom. Surprisingly someone had fixed him, but it had to be later in his life, since he grew to full size and still has urges to mate.

Lady Tuna is small for a female. She has grown very little and I have had her since late last summer. So she is full grown, but about the size of a teen kitty.

It also does not help that she doesn't know what she is doing.

Poor kitty just can not figure out that she needs to raise her butt up higher.

She lays flat against the ground, then kind of marches in place with her back feet. Her butt only gets propped up at best.

If she raised it properly, Grey could reach it, but then her neck might be too far down to grip properly.

There would have to be a bit of a Twister effort, if it was going to happen.

Grey is trying.

However, sometimes he gets frustrated and tries other things, like sitting on her head, humping her middle, or putting his butt on her side.

She just likes the attention.

I'm guessing it might actually be better for her this way. No nasty barbs.

She does not put up a fight at all.

Thinking back, Grey did know what was happening. He was just courting her.

Improper courtship and bad timing gets Toms beat up. As a bit of seasoned veteran, who's literally been around the block a few times, he knew better.

To me, it seems more like they are lovers, rather than just acting on instinct. There is affection between them.

Earlier she was flirting with him. First she kissed him, then turned and flashed him her butt.

In seconds, she was playfully pounced.

He does romance her a bit. Licking her neck, back and head softly.

Even when he is roughing her up, she seems to be in a content trance.

Sometimes he drags her across the floor by the scruff, and she just lets him! She becomes a rag doll, and makes those content whirring sounds, while he pulls her to a different spot and flops her down.

It's funny.

Even animals have insecurities or at least prefer privacy.

Several times he looked at me, as if he was waiting for me to yell at him for hurting her or something.

He seemed genuinely confused and surprised that I was not mad or trying to break it up.

A few times, noises outside made them stop like kids making out in one of their parents houses.

They are definitely feeling like they're up to something.

My landlord's kitty lovers (both fixed) have reacted the same way.

It's interesting.

At least to a perv like me. ;^D

I've admitted it before, I find mating behavior fascinating.

As for my two, I don't think it's hurting anything.

Grey can not get her pregnant, and she is not suffering without relief.

They enjoy each others company as lovers and playmates. They will probably be closer even when they are no longer friends with benefits.

My landlord and I have not seen his kitty lovers mate in a long time (but it doesn't mean they're not) and they are definitely a couple.

It's wrong, (at least to my morals) but I can't help but think what beautiful non standard Savannah cats Lady Tuna could make with a serval stud. That is, if the height problem could be worked out.

She is a Siamese mix, displaying light grey points, blue eyes, and a touch of cream in her coat.

However, I can also see faint tabby marks on her legs, face and tail, as well as traces of tortoise shell. She has a tortie foot in the back.

She potentially has a rainbow of genetic material.

Naturally, she has the potential to mother what are known as Snow Savannahs.

However, she also carries an orange gene, and could have the rare beloved orange Savannahs!

Who knows what other colors of tabby she carries?

It's fun to think about, but I don't think my conscience would let me actually go through with it.

One: There are already so many homeless cats dying everyday. How could I bring more into the world?

Two: She is so small, it might not even be safe for her. If she could even be mated successfully.

It would be safer and easier to breed her to a Savannah male. But the kicker is, the males are sterile until the 5th generation. Sometimes the 6th. Generally, they are mated back to higher percentage females to get a more serval like appearance. At the 5th/6th generation level, the males look a lot like bengal cats, and have almost no serval traits physically.

Three: I would probably want to keep all of them! ;^D

lady tuna, mr grey, mini mew

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