Aug 13, 2006 13:56
It has almost been a week since my last update, so I figure its abouta good time to update. Things are going pretty well had a fun week most of which was caused by my consumption of alcohol, lol. I desecrated a church in the best way possible two people can do so, got invited to a random house party, and even had a house party of my own. Tuesday was rockin', I had a bunch of friends over and we had shots of tequila vodka and rhum, I lost count around shot number 13 but apparently I was starting to just drink straight from the tequila bottle, which I still dont remember, lol. Though thats not all that important the important part is we headed out so t onot make much more noise...eventually made our way to woodcote hung out there the boys wrestled which was rad. After we were all tired we went over to lake trail type area stopped in at the supreme and picked up smokes headed over to lake trail school, we hung out there for a bit. I ended up standing on my head with my feet up against the wall of the school and I fell over but mananged to not get hurt too badly. We ran into Britany and she walked back to my place with us... most of the night is rather blurry from that point on... and well right now it looks like i need to go get ready for work so i shall try to finish this post tonight after work.
have a good one guys