Jul 17, 2006 23:16
So havent posted for awhile, but really those of you who want to know what is going on with me. I am kinda missing having people around right now, less that they arent around more that I can't do what ever the hell I want to when I want to. I guess reality is finally catching up with me, I am handling it pretty well... I think I am anyhow....
Yea, just watched this "intimate and interactive" w/ Billy Talent on City TV... it was good, well I thought so. Hearing try honesty hit me in an odd way. I can still remember the first time I heard it. was about a week after I had been sent away because I had been getting in too much trouble in town and well I got kicked outta school and was forced to go live with soem family in naniamo. well I was listening to the radio and I was flipping thru the different stations cause I wanted to listen to soemthing other than christian bullshit or oldies(referring to music before the 60's and or 50's) I stumbled upon a local rock station that was playing finger 11 when I started listening and afterwards the DJ started talking about this not really new band but thier first album and that they are gunna be playing thier first single from this band and yea.. I think I basically pinpointed when I realised that I dont really have a concept of reality that most would understand... I really think that I have weird idea about how things should work... That song mebbe is one of the defining points in my life where I should have realised how little sense it makes for me to try and live normally... its just not what I shoudl be doing... I am now on the path to find out what i am supposed to do how i am supposed to live.... I hope to figure things out, but well who knows what will happen....
Well, I hope you dont feel to confused by my ramblings, but well it makes sense to me so hell if I care if any of you dont get it, haha.
Anyways... Night all mebbe I'll post again soon.