Player Name // Username: Kim //
candauleswife Character Name // Username: Amaryllis Persephone Florentine //
secretamaryllis What school did you character attend? If not Hogwarts, what House would they have been sorted into?: Amaryllis attended Hogwarts from 1996 to 2003. She was a Ravenclaw, which suited her and still suits her very well.
Character Age: Twenty, she was born on the 29th of August, 1985
What kind of wand does your character possess? Seven inches, and quite thin. It is made from ebony with a phoenix feather core.
What department does your character work for, and in what position? Amaryllis is a rookie, she's new to the task force of Oblivators in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. She gets the jobs that no one else wants, sometimes secretary, sometimes coffee-machine, sometimes obliviator on those awfully stupid treks out to some horribly mundane place where only one person needs to be obliviated after seeing a two year old eating Fizzing Wizzbies in sight of a Muggle. Otherwise she gets the tedious job whereby she has to spend her entire day obliviating, and no one else wants to work the extra hours.
Would you like your character to be a member of the Wizengamot? (BY MOD PERMISSION ONLY.) Perhaps as a scribe or somesuch minion, but otherwise no.
What OWLs/NEWTs did your character recieve?
Potions- E
History of Magic- A
Charms- O
Transfiguration- O
Astronomy- P
Defence Against The Dark Arts- O
Muggle Studies- E
Care Of Magical Creatures- E
Ancient Runes- A
Herbology- A
Potions- E
Charms- O
Transfiguration- O
Defence Against The Dark Arts- O
Muggle Studies- E
Care Of Magical Creatures- A
Ancient Runes- E
Describe your character's strengths (both magically and personality-wise. Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi, etc. are extremely rare and you MUST have Mod Permission.): Amaryllis's strengths vary from the very mundane, to the more useful. She is exceptionally good at Defence Against The Dark Arts, and Charms. Her most particular strength of all are her memory charms. She is quite adept at them, allowing her to take a place in the ministry as an obliviator. In all honesty she might have become an auror or a hit-wizard instead, except that they had too much putting ones' self on the line. Though depending on her mood, Amaryllis would love the action. Fortunately or unfortunately, she was in a more stable mood when she applied for her job. Other magical strengths such as Transfiguration, Muggle Studies, and Ancient Runes, aren't particularly important or significant strengths. She only picked Muggle Studies because it was easy, and she only selected Ancient Runes and Transfiguration because they were interesting to her.
The strengths of her personality fluctuate. She is a very excitable person with a lot of energy at times, she has an ability to direct a lot of emotion at one particular target or task- though this can be a flaw as the emotion is more often than not something like aggression or irritability. She is intelligent, but she leans too much on others. That is not to say that she draws her energy from them, but she lets their emotions influence her energy a little too much. She also gets quite attached to certain people or causes. Another strength is her self-confidence, and optimism. Unfortunately, these can also disappear entirely.
Describe your character's flaws/weaknesses: Amaryllis is not at all good at Astronomy, Divination or Herbology. She is also not that good at Care of Magical Creatures, although she can usually meet a creature without having her arm bitten off. Her downfall in all of these is that she doesn't have the interest, or patience to attempt to be good at them, or pretend that she actually cares about them. She gets along quite well with the things that actually have a practical use in the real world, thank you.
Her entire personality is one big flaw. Her endless moodswings from optimist to pessimist, her delusions about how great things are to her indifference, her ability to live without sleep to her constant, persistent loss of energy and lethargy. Her indecisiveness and her racing speech and thoughts. Her busy busy busy busy busy busy thoughts. She is reckless, impulsive, easily distracted, and often has feelings of lowliness and worthlessness. Through all of this the only thing that she can latch onto are feelings of dislike for others- because she also has constant doubts about her loved ones.
Describe your character's physical attributes. If you have a preferred PB, state it here -- although check the list ( first!: Amaryllis has dark brown hair which she wears for the most part down to her waist. She usually leaves it out, however it isn't at all surprising to see her tie it up when going on a practical task. Her blue eyes make a seemingly odd contrast to golden skin tone, which she gets from spending so much time outdoors. She is five feet and ten inches tall, and though she disdains her height, she has always liked taller men anyway so doesn't really mind. Besides, it helps her look intimidating and authoritative. Her PB is Ana Beatriz Barros.
Is your character Muggle born, a half-blood, or a pureblood? Explain it. Amaryllis is a half-blood, first generation pureblood wizard. Her mother was a pureblood, and her father was a muggleborn. Her mother's family didn't mind her marrying out too much. Amaryllis' parents are quite happy living out their own lives with the children that they adore, oblivious to the harms of the world, and the barriers that blood poses.
Character Background/History: Amaryllis was born in August, 1985 to one Elidorium Florentine, and her husband Harold Florentine. She was the first born child of the family, and the eldest of three girls and a boy. Her other siblings all currently attend Hogwarts- Nicodemus (7th year), Kiriaki (5th year), and Theophania (1st year). Her home in Llangollen, Wales, was a place of freedom and large pastures, and music.
Her childhood was brilliant, marred only by the fortnightly visits to her Muggle grandparents in which she felt bored to tears most times, and at which she only ever heard her grandparents wail about her parents' weirdness, and the weirdness that they inflicted upon their children. At her grandparents Amaryllis became Amy, Nicodemus became Nick (short for Nicholas of course), and it seemed that their grandparents might have finally given up when it came to the name 'Kiriaki'- though in Amaryllis' mind they should have stopped before they even started.
Amaryllis has seemed to be the only one who minded from the family. She used to not understand it, however as she grew she began to hate it. Although she had the positive experiences of the Muggle world as a child, when she thinks of the word Muggle, not being accepted for who she was and having her name changed- which she equated very much to be her identity- her thoughts grow into something dark.
Her life has always been littered with high periods of absolute energy, and lower periods where she develops an apathy to everything about her. It is in these times that she becomes reckless, pessimistic, impulsive, and unpredictable. She doesn't know why these things happen, and she hasn't actually noticed any of it. If she did, she probably would just further subject herself to it because she is that type of person. The high periods are worth the low ones, and inside of her she just thinks that it's all due to necessary evil- the theory that there must be bad for one to fully appreciate good.
She started Hogwarts at age eleven in 1996. She became one of the few blessed Ravenclaws, and her membership in that house gave her a passport to her relations with certain people. One of these people being Gabe Salix, whom is able to always catch her at her most rash, most reckless moments, and coax her into doing things. She doesn't care, she doesn't mind. Because his ideas for her take away from the sense of worthlessness which sometimes settles about her.
All in all, Amaryllis is a bit moody. She comes from a good family, but there is something in her which disdains her Muggle heritage- not because it is Muggle, but because it made her question her identity as a witch in the magical world. The heightened emotion that she experiences might be a bit more controllable if she noticed that she was having them, but she doesn't. Those who know her also know that they shouldn't ever try to predict her, she is too much like the hand of a broken compass. She points anywhere but North.