Mar 23, 2005 16:11
So once again i'm sitting here at work.... but i'm not all that bored today!!! amazingly but i am sitting here on hold with Wells Fargo about my damn car loan. they put my dad's name first on it again and we wanted to have my name first on it bc my dad is just the co signer.... this really pisses me off and it really pisses my dad off... we told the people at the car dealer ship that my dad is just cosigning, so that means that his name should be second and not first. my name is first on everything else but this... so now i have to call the bank again and i just called them yesterday bc i hadn't gotten anything about the loan. this really is annoying. oh well thats the story of my life... just like i asked for more hours at work and got less. oh well though
but today has been a pretty good day! talked to kortnee and burger! man i miss all of the bwords that aren't here. it really sucks that we all can't still live here or somewhere close. but i understand that we all need to grow and learn and find ourselves so thats understandable!!!
ok just got off the phone with the bank.... found out why my dad's name is first... bc he has better credit but i'm still getting as much credit as he is getting! that makes me feel better!
ok so my cat is really fat... (that was really random!) but she is.... she's going to be one of those fat cats that isn't going to be able to do anything in a while(not really but it would be really sad) oh well
LALALALALALALALALA.... now i'm bored. i need something to do... anybody have any ideas on what i can do when i sit at work and have nothing to do. please let me know... i already did my nails and picked my nose(not really) but yeah! 20 minutes till i can leave. find something to do... find something to do.... ok i'm going to go talk to erin... if anybody has anyother ideas PLEASE let me know!!!!