May 21, 2008 14:46
Wooohoooo can not wait for the weekend - I'll be prancing around London with a couple of friends and meeting a ton of new people (hopefully). We're attending the London EXPO which will hopefully be as fun as last year if not better and I'll be in costume this year!!!!! Just have the last touches to do to my costume and to actually pack and then I'll be chilling in London come friday. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
If anyone out there is going then do say hi if you see me. I'll be cosplaying as Jenova from FFVII:AC (got talked into it) so do say hello if you spot me. I'm waiting for some glue to dry so I can do the last detailing on my helmet/headdress thingy - my ProMarkers are coming in very handy for touch ups and shading.
When I get back and am between shifts at work (am working solid shifts for the weeks after to earn back the money I spend) I shall get around to posting any photos I take and that should entail a better update then this one - this is not really an update just me babbling... like normal so yeah I suppose its an update my style... *shrugs* Ah well
Enjoy your weekend what ever you do!!!!!!!!!!!
london expo may 2008