So this is how my brain works.
Firstly I am really, really into Death Note, right now.
Secondly, my sister wants to go and see 17 Again and all I know it that it has Matthew Perry, who I love from friends, and he turns into the high school musical kid, (which btw I have not seen I do not think I could stomach it) and Buffy's Kid sister is his daughter, (and oh god this is going to be like Back to the Future in reverse - instead of the Mom falling for the son it's gonna be the daughter falling for the father... Holy Electra complex, Batman!) but I go anyway because sometimes you have to do things for your sister.
It turns out that the first scene is of Zac Efron all shirtless and sweaty playing basketball and
Me: ... er... how old is this kid?
Sister: 21 and a half.
Me: That's well above my ick factor, I may now perv away... Holy Shit that boy is fiiine.
Yes, I am shallow and I like pretty shiny things and he is both pretty and shiny and Oh god, those pecs.
Then he starts dancing with cheerleaders and it was dorktastic and kind of adorable... anyway... then when he is Matthew Perry turnd young again he gets a haircut - you know with his hair hanging down his forhead and I was like OH HAI LIGHT YAGAMI!
I really expected him to take out a little black notebook there when he saw the blond bully guy making out with his daughter... and as an aside 17 With a Death Note Again WOULD HAVE BEEN THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER!
So long story short - I cannot get the image of Light Yagami dancing with cheerleaders out of my head.
Then I see this: Warning:
Total Earworm, it will never ever leave you. and I think it is something that Misa and Sayu would probably like... and envision them singing it all the time so that Light knows all the words and despises himself for it. And once he's heard either one of them singing it (sometimes they sing it together and they do the dance) he cannot get it out of his head. And then he finds himself singing it to himself when he is with the taskforce and is a bit distracted and then
Matsuda: Light, not that I mind or anything but you're off key. And also it's Darlin' Darlin' PLEASE not FREEZE
Light: Bitch please, I listen to Misa sing this all day, I know it's FREEZE
And then they get into an argument and have to look it up online and they find out that they're both right because at one point they say Freeze and another they say Please and then they both sulk.
Matsuda: Whatever, I bet you can't do the dance.
Light: I can so do the dance, better than you I bet.
Matsuda: Come on Light, get real. You know I pwn your ass at Dance Dance Revolution.
Light: Oh now it is on. Get your coat - we are going to the arcade. We are gonna settle this. Right now.
Matsuda: Wow Light, I never knew you were so eager to be my DDR bitch, so soon after the last time.
Papa Yagami: *Gasp*
Task force: ...
L: Well, this completely fucks with my probability model.
I am obviously mentally disturbed. Please, if anyone is reading this - SEND HELP!