Icon meme from
katmarajade If you'd like to play:
1. Reply to this post and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
She picked:
1. I wanted a cute Chekov hearts Sulu icon. And this was just a really adorable picture. I used the picture for a fanmix cover and then because I was having so much fun playing with photoscape, decided to make an icon.
2. This was after those pictures of John Cho and his son on the set of Flash Forward were taken and everyone was ded from kyute. At the time I'd started to write Chulu!bb fic, so it seemed appropriate. Gacked from moonliteslupin with her permission.
3. Ok, so my initial foray into Trek fandom was participating in ontd_startrek party posts. During the first of these (which went on for like a week until we maxed out the comments), some of us started taking about a "space band" that the crew would be in and what instruments they would play, etc etc. This resulted in the short-lived AU community to_boldly_rock. I can't remember if the icon came before or during the community, but it signifies Bone's dissaproval of the whole idea.
[Kirk: Dude! You play the base? That's awesome! Hey! We should start a rock band!
Bones: What?
Kirk: It will be totally awesome!
Bones: I'm a doctor, not a rock star!
... or something. ]
4. I basically wanted something to symbolise "secrecy". I think this is from some sort of perfume ad.
5. Oh man, I feel nostalgic for 2009, lol. This came about from a "to_boldly_rock" party post. Where about five of us came up with the "comrade chekov andhis mafiya" thing. We gave our mafiya avatars code-names, mad skills and positions. Mine was Head of Security Comrade Wodka. Hence the icon. At the time I didn't know how to make my own icons, so rosesofathena made one for me.
Good times.
Well, that was an unexpected trip down memory lane! I feel like a desperately need to take part in a party post or something.