So I finished that thing for Ship Wars and have suppressed the urge to write 4000 words of a stream-of-conciousness-freudian-nightmare-mind-fuck-Evangelion-tribute by tomorrow and send it in to the chulu mods to see what people would make of it.
I mustn't run away! I mustn't run away! I mustn't run away! I mustn't run away! I mustn't run away! I
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also I require more Mean Ensigns. Or, like, more really gay!Pavel hitting on Hikaru with makeup on and stuff. Not that it's a kink or anything >.>
Haha Mean Ensigns is possibly the gayest I've ever written Chelov and Sulu (and Spock). However currently it appears to be losing out, so it may be a while.
Reply that poll is quite evenly split. He he YOU APPEAL WITH TOO MANY THINGS.
Ehhh... (lol, what isn't fantastic is my Pavel's handwriting. You'll see.
... it's because I have a short attention span. So people who come for the mirrorverse will probably be going: WTF? WHEN DID THEY HAVE EIGHT BABIES? and so on.
My aim is to one day learn to wrote pr0n so I can then freak people out with gen fic.
My aim is to be able to write readable gen which isn't a science essay .__________. lol, porn is easy, insert tab a into slot b, make it ridonkulously kinky and tah dahhhhh.
Gen is easies (well, Gen with loads of sebetext/ust/whatevs). I can almost hardly ever write sex unless it is to advance the plot or a characterisation. And there are only so many ways I can say insert tab A into slot B. .____. It's all a bit - lie back and think of Russia.
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