Rambling about Writings

Jan 17, 2010 19:20

Things I have written this year:
1. Bring Back My Bonny To Me. [This was finished this year and is technically my first fic of 2010] ~8400 words.
2. First st_respect challenge fic for chulu. ~1000 words exactly. Don;t ask me how I managed this. I don't know.
3. Lala How The Life Goes On. I have finished the musical!baby!AU. I just need to clean it up and hear back from littlewolfstar on whether she wants her drawings included in the fic proper and I shall post this. >9000 words and there are so many asides that I want to write in this verse it's silly. x_x why do I do this to myself?

So my 'to write' list now looks like this:
1. Syndicate [Blearghhhh]

2. Abysmal Bodies
2.1 London Calling: Monstrosity [Started]
2.2 London Calling: Mine [Planned]
2.3 Burlesque [Started]
2.4 Bloodsport Fairytale [Started]
2.5 [Tentative title - Smoke my Cigarette and Hush] [Planned]
2.6 [Tentative title - Menorah] [Planned]
2.7 Gunpowder, Treason and Plot (Not until the entire back-story is complete)[Bits and pieces]
2.8 Assorted backstory/origin stories [Bits and pieces]

3. The Misadventures of the Prime Directive
3.1 A Good Name for a Rock Band [Planned]
3.2 The Cheezburgian Debacle: Part 1 - The Leather Pants [Revise and Complete]
3.3 Captain Fine and the Epic Liner Notes [Revise and Complete]
3.4 The Cheezburgian Debacle: Part 2 - The Dramatic Rescue [Planned]
3.5 The Reluctant Godfather [Drafted]
3.7 Shore Leave at the Beach [Planned]
3.8 (World Tour Stories) [Various Stages of Development]
3.9 The Chibi!Spock Chronicles - How to get your three-year old to stop sucking his thumb [Started]

4. And Call Him George [Started]
5. Mean Ensigns [Half written]
6. Love Akshually [Planned]
7. Bump in the Night [Planned for 14-Feb-2010]
8. Tiresias [Planned]
9. Lala How The Life Goes On [Complete]

One thing is crossed out! That's progress! I might have a crack at that kitten fic tonight. IDK.

Speaking of writings, here's a reminder that my offer for help_haiti is here. Bidding is currently at $20.

rambling, update

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