About my Interests...

Oct 25, 2005 16:37

LJ Interests meme results

  1. audioslave:
    They're a pretty good band, still politically charged. Maybe not as much as RATM, but maybe Chris Cornell has taken a chip out of the RATM half's block.
  2. coldplay:
    Not the heaviest or most headbanging-ish music around, but certainly different from some other stuff I listen to.
  3. drums:
    The first musical instrument I learnt properly, have done so for 4 years now. I reckon they're so much more challenging as Guitar, as you have to keeo rhythm for the Guitar, and have to worry about all 4 limbs whilst playing.
  4. feeder:
    Again, a pretty good band, that occasionally make "can't get this out of my head" music (Just A Day, anyone?)
  5. house:
    House is a TV programme, Thursday nights at 10 on Channel 5. Hospital drama starring Hugh Laurie as a maverick doctor. Some of the stuff that goes on in the show is mind-bogglingly clever, I love it.
  6. muse:
    My all-time favourite band ever. Their music to me is so...different to the rest. And as for Matt's operatic voice...my word, they're just awesome.
  7. queen:
    Queen...well, what's to say? Other than...BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY! Greatest song by them ever!
  8. rage against the machine:
    First real band I know to use "rapcore" (invented I think by Faith No More, in the song Epic) a lot. Lyrics inspired by Chuck D of Public Enemy fame, music in RATM was SO much better, I feel, than in Audioslave. More original/creative...
  9. stereophonics:
    Well, their music's alright, but Kelly Jones is such a poser. Bartender And The Thief = THE 'Phonics anthem.
  10. the killers:
    Attempting to revive 80's synth rock, some songs are good. Especially Mr Brightside...

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