Social anxiety strikes again, just when I thought I was overcoming it.

Feb 03, 2009 22:37

God I feel so stupid.

I was doing fine in my classes, just fine. Didn't speak unless I had to... but then everything just went to shit

So, my teacher read some of my paper out loud along with some other students... we gave our reactions about a poem about death. Mine was kind of a harsh critique of the poem because the people in the poem didn't dress up to go to the funeral which I found disrespectful. Then he asked what do you think helps you get into a poem...

I said personal experience... and how the only funeral I've been to was for a girl at my high school and my dad's best friend who was like a second father to me and I just couldn't understand why people wouldn't dress up.

SERIOUSLY. I hate myself for it, and was thinking about it for the remaining half hour of the class, even though everyone else probably didn't care/had moved on.

I don't know, I felt like I had to explain why I wrote certain things in my paper because I thought that it all sounded so stupid compared to everyone elses... This is really bad timing because I was just recently thinking about how I"m not sure if Ican do this whole college thing anymore...

I'm done for now.
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