I HATE it when people IM me and try to fuck around with me.
A) It's a waste of their time, and MINE ESPECIALLY.
B) They're morons that can't possibly understand my vast mental superiority to them.
C) What do they get from bothering me?!?!?
Here is a conversation I had a little while ago with some dolt that tried to lull me into believing that we were old chums or something. I have no idea what his intent was, but either way, he didn't get anything useful from me.
I know a couple of people from Texas though (read the convo first to understand why that state matters at all), and one person I'm quite fond of. So someone that knows said person must have gotten my SN by some means and tried to fuck around with me.
I'm the most non-fuckaroundwithable guy on AIM. Deal with it.
This |337 h4x0r said he used cracks and other shit to find my SN by typing in "Mitch" into the AIM find-a-buddy thing (or whatever it is, I'm never bored enough to use it) and that it found my name due to my email address.
First off - Anyone that spends enough time finding every SN of every person on AIM with the name "Mitch" (even though I'm sure there's no way to get that info anyway) just because they were "friends some time ago" or whatever is a MORON THAT IS WASTING THEIR TIME.
There's several people in my past that I considered "friends" but I'm not going to go to any great length to try and relocate them. They're in my past. They can stay there. If I run across them in the future, so be it.
And then he says that the AIM search engine found my real name through my email. The email I used is theanimeninja@yahoo.com which I believe does have my actual name in it. So what I said in the convo I was wrong about (the email I was thinking of was harmfulnemesis@yahoo.com where my name is "Bruce Wayne"). However, when I told him this, he didn't comment, so he must have believed me. If he in fact did get my name through that email, then he would have tried to argue that point relentlessly.
Gah. I just lost my train of thought.