Jul 27, 2007 21:32

I'M SO ANGRY WITH YOU! If i could, I'd hit you in the face. YOU'RE JUST LIKE HIM!!! You're just like Jimmy!!! Too stubborn to just fucking NOT do it. He died smoking and now you're going to die. FUCKING DRUGS. I despise them with all my being. You're ill and you say that if you can manage to get up then you'll just get fucking high?! YOU KNOW THESE THINGS DAMAGE YOUR LIVER AND YOU KNOW THAT MAY BE WHY YOU'RE SO ILL. No fucking offense but DRUGS aren't GOOD. No matter how great they make you feel or how much they make you forget about your problems

FACE FUCKING LIFE DON'T HIDE BEHIND IT ALL THE TIME. TWAT! How fucking dare you get ill and how fucking dare you have the possibility of leaving. I'M SO ANGRY WITH YOU! Stop it, stop being like him!!

goodbye, drugs, stevie

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