letter to climb credit, maybe

Aug 27, 2014 20:14

So I found out recently about the iron yard, which is one of the for-profit 10,000$ or so schools that have popped recently. All the research I've done so far makes me really believe in it, and I really feel drawn to it in a heart-hurt way. (that's a good thing)

The big advantages are that it's /stupidly/ challenging, it's one season, and it includes coursework on how-to-get-a-job. Also they help you get a job. That part is HUGE. They have partners and everything.

I need to do some more research, but yeah. I want this so much.

I want to be a developer. Can you help me?

I've been doing free programs, including ProjectEuler.net and CodeCademy.com, for about a year. I keep getting pretty far in them but stopping. So far, that's always been because I have more work hours, or I'm spending several hours a day applying for entry-level IT help desk jobs, short-term serving jobs, things like that. It's been really hard, working full time and not making enough money to live without borrowing from my dad.
I have a tendency to get very fixated on projects and power into great amounts of new skill. It's how I relearned violin after putting it down for several years, and it's how I got my degree in mathematics. Both of these tasks I had several mentors for, and I'd like to make that happen for me in programming.

The Iron Yard seems perfect for that.
I found out about the Iron Yard a few weeks ago when my friend's roommate interviewed with them, and it sounds perfect for me. Spending all my time for three months in the Winter (starting January 5th) would be really great, and I'd come into Spring excited about my prospects as a freshly-minted developer.

That being said, I have terrible credit. I have a school loan that I haven't talked to in a long time from SCAD, probably a back bill from an old house I lived in, and a in-good-standing loan from SPSU. The SCAD loan I avoided for a long time because of anxiety about inability to pay them, which I recognize was not a wise decision. It's my plan to talk to SCAD on Friday before work and try to put my loan back into the black, or at least the "we're talking to this person who's not yet paying us" red.

For Iron Yard, I would need 16,000 dollars for the three month program. That includes the 12,000 for tuition, 1,200 or so for a mac laptop, and 2,800 for living expenses for three months. I plan to borrow as much of that as possible from my family, but I think I'll need at least 11,000 dollars after family loans are calculated.

The point is, I want this. A lot. Can we work together to try and make this happen?
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