caffeine, habit, sleep

Aug 04, 2014 17:10

Also, I had an interview at 930am. Which isn't early for normal people, but is super awful haate early for me. My alarm didn't go off, and I woke up at 910am. Fortunately I was only a little bit late...
...and got invited to training...
...for a job that pays ten dollars an hour. Fuck that shit. What the fuck.

Also I work at the earliest time ever in the morning, and my alarm is eitehr not working, or not waking me up. Eeeeep. *tests now*

Annick and I so close, I love it. I wish I could like. I dunno, not get so fixated on most people? My relationship with Annick developed slowly and naturally over time, and that's what I want my other relationships to be. I feel close than ever.

I hoop every day, or close to it. It is the actual best. It drains my anxiety which is soo important. Contact Juggling used to and stopped. Levi wand did, but it hurt, which is also horrible. Hoop doesn't hurt, and does feel like good exercise, and is the best. So yay.
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