Happy 5th Birthday Rona

Sep 08, 2009 08:54

My darling Rona,

This weekend you turned five. I can’t believe that much time has come and gone already. Your Daddy and I love you so, and it seems that is true for everyone who meets you. You are charming and funny and gentle to your friends. You are also five with a vengeance. You are convinced that there is nothing you cannot do and you do not want our help, unless you do…You are still and always my best girl ever and the highlight of my day is the time I get to spend with you.

So many things are old hat to you…and you seem to take the most difficult challenges in stride. It’s the little things that get you down. Thankfully those are the things I can easily help you with. You amaze me with you fearlessness and your courage and willingness to try new things.

I want to make sure that you know that while I can’t wait to see the person you become I enjoy every day with you as we get there, and I wouldn’t trade the opportunity to have this adventure we call life, with you even if I could. You are a constant source of joy.

Thank you for you and thanks for letting me run beside you!

Your own Mama


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