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tinyballerina83 October 15 2008, 21:51:19 UTC
I'm so glad to hear you are doing better. Why do so many uneducated people think that people with eating disorders are just doing it for attention? Hello? I'm hiding what I'm doing so no one ELSE finds out about it!!! lol ( ... )


tinyballerina83 November 2 2008, 16:41:16 UTC
"Why do so many uneducated people think that people with eating disorders are just doing it for attention? Hello?"

Oh, will you stop being such an attention whore?
We all know it's a disease you made up, just like aspergers.
There's no such thing as a voice in your head telling you to not eat, unless you're schizophrenic, which is an entirely different and legitimately serious problem.


tinyballerina83 November 2 2008, 16:47:21 UTC
how dare you! An eating disorder is a serious illness. People die from this. They've died because they've starved themselves to death or had a heart attack or maybe even od'd on laxatives.

I know full well what I am doing to myself but I'm ADDICTED to doing it. You are an asshole. It's one thing to politely disagree. But DO NOT comment if you have nothing constructive to add.


tinyballerina83 November 7 2008, 02:17:10 UTC
Blah blah blah, I'm an attention whore.


tinyballerina83 November 7 2008, 02:27:17 UTC
hah! riiiight. And THAT'S why I'm hiding all of my behaviors. That makes PERFECT sense. Thank you ever so much for helping me to see that!!!!!!!!

Clearly, YOU have made up your mind already. Far be it from me to help you see the statistics and the truth. Maybe someday you'll understand. Maybe not.


secret_disease November 12 2008, 05:33:28 UTC
please do not comment on my journal anonymously especially if you dont have something nice to say and if you are rude to my friends. your entitled to your opinion but its wrong to put others down. anorexia and bulimia are terrible illnesses and some people may do it for attention but it can become very serious. it consumed a large part of the past five years of my life. its hard to live that way, hard to get well again. ive seen too many close people, my aunt my father my best friend and her sister suffer immensely from this disease. i shouldnt be explaining my self to anyone, its ok if you dont understand, its hard to understand sometimes, but this has hurt my family alot between me my father and my aunt. i feel guilty about it, ive felt outcast and even get uncomfortable because some doctors have no sympathy for mental disorders. like your not innocently sick like children dying of cancer. i have felt like ive been selfish and absorbed in myself. if anything i believe its important to look after your fellow humans, a wise woman ( ... )


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