Welcome to the Free-for-All

Sep 16, 2015 21:54

You can take any prompt you want. If you're a pinch-hitter, you can leave prompts as well in the comments since you were so epic and awesome. You all have two weeks or until the 1st of October to fill at your leisure.


Writing Prompts:

1) post-series where Jonathan/Chloe's kid is a Chlark kid due to Fortune and champagne, AU based on the episode Delete ie more on Chloe publishing as "Lois Lane," season seven - Clark actually helping Chloe master her powers in Offscreenville

1 -- Chloe and Clark body switch sometime in season 4 or 5 after Chloe already knows his secret
2 -- Facebook posts between Clark and Chloe
3 -- Lex gives Clark advice on how to win over Chloe.
Note: Just an FYI that I like NC-17 and R sexy times if it fits with the story, but whatever rating you want to write is fine with me. I just like to be clear that I am fine whatever way you want to write it if you don't really know me.

3) Three Things You'd like in a Fic: Chlark, smut, season one spring formal

4) Three things you'd like in a fic: Anything Chlarky

5) Three things you'd like in a fic: fun, sun, water

6) Three things you'd like in a fic:middle school! Chlark, amusement park, height requirement.

7) Three things you'd like in a fic: Porn! An ancient Rome AU where Clark is a gladiator. Hurt/Comfort

8) Three things you'd like in a fic: (Picking just 3 things is so hard lol) Clark and Chloe married under the influence of either red-K Kal-El or the episode where they were drunk, smut, Pregnant Chloe

9) Three things you'd like in a fic: smut, comedy, crack!fic. **I'd just like a smutty hilarious fic if possible because I want pervy things that make me laugh because 50shades has made me sad for the state of perviness and that won't do

10) Three things you'd like in a fic: chlark main pairing, crack fic, happy

11) Three things you'd like in a fic: Chlark's first date, Chlark's first time(sex), Chloe helping Clark deal with/control one or more of his powers

12) Three Things You'd like in a Fic: Shelby, the beach, Chloe's VW Beetle

13) Three things you'd like in a fic:
1) Blank AU where Clark remembers that Chloe knows about his powers
2) Truth AU where Clark isn't immune to Chloe's power
3) AU where Gabe and Chloe moves after s1 and Chloe and Clark meet up again on the first day on the job at the DP.

14) Three things you'd like in a fic: Happy ending, Post-series, Chlollie break-up.



1) Three things you want in a vid or graphic: vessel kiss, tempest dance stuff, (if a vid): do you believe in magic AU fortune with Chlark wedding sticks

2) Three things you want in a vid or graphic: Escape shower scene, Fortune closet scene, Cheerleader Chloe.

3) Three things you want in a vid or graphic:
In a Vid:
1 -- A vid to "Baby Got Back" by the inspired Sir-Mix-A-Lot. REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT THIS. I can give mp3.
2 -- A vid to "You Belong with Me" by Taylor Swift. I can give mp3.
3 -- Any AU storyline vid. Have fun with the editing!

4) Three Things You Want in a Vid/Graphic: Chlark wedding, Chlark kisses, Lana/Chloe fight

5) Three things you want in a vid or graphic: Chlark

6) Three things you want in a vid or graphic: fun, sun, water

7) Three things you want in a vid or graphic:anything seasons 4/5

8) Three things you want in a vid or graphic: Bright Colors, Nudity, Unicorns

9) Three things you want in a vid or graphic: Red-K, Chloe and Clark kiss, Bad boy clark

10) Three things you want in a vid: "Take on Me" by A-ha with lots of clips of Chlark being rescuey and awesome with each other, also soulfully gazing at each other
or graphic: post-smallville AM and TW or something sexy or both

11) Three things you want in a vid or graphic: chloe smiling, clark flying, martha

12) Three things you want in a vid or graphic: (if a vid): baby got back featuring lots of Chloe's bootay, otherwise anything Chlark is fine with me, especially Chlark kissing and Chlark being physically close(hugging, holding hands, etc.)

13) Three Things You Want in a Vid/Graphic: Chlark as soulmates, happily ever after, Chlark weddings

14) Three things you want in a vid or graphic:
Vessel kiss, tempest, devoted, anything chloisy

mod post, summer 2015 free-for-all, summer fun 2015 free-for-all

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