Title: The Mistletoe War
For: Babydee
Words: 2,761
Rating: PG-13
Every year around Thanksgiving Chloe seemed to forget how to walk through a door. The action was so bizarre that Clark couldn't help but notice as Chloe would skirt around the edges of the doorway, clinging onto the doorframe. He'd never really thought about it, instead he'd always
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And what a sweet present it is. So many heartwarming Chlark moments; Chloe creeping around the door mistletoe like a gecko... Clark pulling her feet into his lap and warming them with his heat vision... his numerous mistletoe-gathering trips just hoping to lock lips with Chloe... his sudden realisation that she's the one he wants to be with, finally to Chloe biting the bullet, getting a sprig of mistletoe herself and going for what she wants. This is Chlark at its best, and I love, love, LOVE IT.
Thank you so much, mystery author! *hugs*
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