So. Finals week is coming up. And I really hate the fact that two of my finals are turn-ins, because that means I keep procrastinating. Not to mention they're harder than taking it in-class and a hell of a lot more work.
Case and point: My Journalism final. We're supposed to pick four questions out of a set of seven. But we have to do the first one.
So I start working on the first one. It takes me TWO HOURS to research everything I need. Wtf. That doesn't include any writing at all. So I ended up only finishing one and a half questions today when I wanted to finish at least two.
Which means I'll be panicking tomorrow (today?) trying to finish the Journalism final on time for Monday morning.
My other take-home is due Tuesday, and I have an online final due by Wednesday. I'm also taking some stuff home on Wednesday. Then I have two in-class finals on Thursday, and then I'll be helping Roy study for his Japanese written final.
And then on Friday, I'll be moving out of the dorms for the year. FREEDOM!
God, Friday cannot come soon enough.
Also, decided to post random photos. Because I can. :3
My squishy elephant! Which has broken so many times is no longer as squishy as it used to be, sadly. xD
And it's apparently...grown a feather in one of the tusks. Wtf. Must be from one of my big pillows.
Me. Eating a choco corone. Copying Konata from Lucky Star. I know, laaaaame. But that's me.
Otter Pops! I have not had these in ages. Mm, artificially flavored water. x3
That is all for now.