Am done emoing. I dunno. It happens occasionally.
I surfed 4chan's cosplay forum. Oh, shush. I like the pictures.
I really wish the Avatar thread that had Whitney and Leslie was still around. Then I can see what people said. xD
But man, 4chan is so full of drama. Reminds me why I don't go there that often.
Oh, and apparently, my aunt is coming over in March. She's my mother's older sister that lives in Saitama, Japan. And she's really the only one I call aunt. She's coming with Ryo-nii (my cousin) and his girlfriend. Haven't met this girlfriend yet, so that'll be another adventure. Which reminds me, I haven't even seen a picture of Ken-nii's (another cousin, different aunt) new wife.
But my aunt is apparently bringing me KAT-TUN goodies when she comes, because she knows a person who works at some company that makes the goodies. Although I am not a big KAT-TUN fan, it still kinda makes me happy. And I totally insisted that my aunt ask if she can get any Kanjani 8 goodies. :DD
Oh, and so I don't forget...
To-Do List Before Spring Semester
- Look up textbooks for Spring Semester. (Possibly check later for other classes.)
- Go buy said books if possible.
- Write letter to aunt.
- Go to thrift store for Nobuta stuff.
- Get ready to move back into dorm.
- Work on Kemarishi translation.
Dude. It's past 4 a.m. and I'm nowhere near going to bed. Wtf.
*uses 4chan icon.*