mingling with the crowd

Sep 04, 2006 13:02

This is an update for all of you who have probably been wondering where the hell I've disappeared to. Especially the roleplayers.

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. It's just that I'm experiencing something that wasn't possible in my college life before -- getting along with my suitemates. Now, not all of them, but at least half of them. And when I say get along, we pretty much spend most of the day (when we're not in class) in each other's company. We watch videos, just talk, laugh over silly stuff, and the like.

And I have to be honest. I think I've missed human contact over the summer. Most of my human interaction over the summer consisted of my parents and people I talked to online, aka my roleplay friends. Not to say that I don't have fun with said people, but I've missed being physically around people my age with similar interests. So I think part of it is that I'm making up for lost time.

And when I'm not with friends, I don't feel like being on AIM or the like. Now, this doesn't mean I've lost interest or anything. I think it's mostly a phase, and I'll balance my internet life and real life eventually.

But if I'm scarce, that's why. And I apologize for it. But if you really want to get a hold of me, or just poke at me, I still do check my email. So feel free to drop me a line at magic.steps@gmail.com.

On another note, Steve Irwin died. Wtf?

human interaction, college, email, human contact, suitemates, school, aim

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