Mar 15, 2005 20:26
Yesterday, monday, was a sleepy day for me. i even went to bed early on sunday but for some reason that made me even more tired and in english i fell asleep twice! the fatigue was strong on monday. Today i was more energized, i had a very easy geometry test today which i did excellente on, probably because for once i studied! then i had PE which was gay because heim made us do a fitness day today, which for all u ppl that dont know it were u run for 10 min and then dor circiuts, dippies, leg raises, crunches, push ups, scissors, and lunges for 20 seconds each twice! and for someone like me who doesnt do any physical activity it is excruciating! after that i had history which i can never keep my eyes open in because its so damn boring but today was so funny because annie rummel launched into this long discussion with the teacher on why she was so boring and couldnt make classes anymore interesting and it made my day, well almost. Physics was wat really made my day wonderful.....i could not sit still and i sit next to the board so i was drawing the most random pictures all over the bottom. i drew a vacuum, a palm tree, an orange, a banana, katrina, a cat, candy, your mom, ms. wentzle, a rubber chicken, the doppler effect, waves, and the moon with craters. Then i took a picture with katrinas camera phone and got in trouble then i had my presentation today and i just could not sit still i was hopping around and getting off subject adn all kinds of stuff. At the end of class mrs. robinson asked me to stay late so she could give me a detention then she asked me why i was so rambunjious today adn i told her it was because i ate sugar at lunch adn she said ok and never to do it agiain. end of story. no detention!