My depression is back full force.
It wasn't ever gone but it hasn't been this bad in a long time.
My appetite is gone.
I cried so hard this evening.
My mom didn't know what to do with me.
I threw up again and again.
I'm too weak to get out.
I don't recognize myself in the mirror.
My face is fat. My eyes are dead.
I don't eat. I don't understand.
Why don't I look as frail as I feel?
I wish someone would take good care of me.
I'm taken for granted completely and it's breaking my fucking heart.
I can't sleep.
I took 4 benedryl and finished what was left in the nyquil bottle.
It's agony being awake.
My two dogs went to the vets today. Peggy walked all the way across the room, mind you she's in pain from an infection and it's hard for her to walk..anyhow she walked to the other side of the room where Maggie, my other dog was. Maggie was about to get a few shots. She wanted to sit beside her to give her comfort. Amazing.