For the sake of change, I'm posting my old Live journal account here. I sounded so different back then. A lot about me has changed...
0. I am a lot stronger and more independent.
0. I have a debilitating back injury.
0. Lost my father, my last surviving family member, to a long battle of cancer in Jan.
0. Moved to Portage.
0. Learned that the organizations ment to 'help' you, even for cancer patients and Vietnam vets, are all apart of a masquerade to make one feel safe, so there are no nationwide questions, of course.
0. Wised up. This means I don't wait on my ass when someone tells me it takes two weeks to process something. I make them do it in 2 days.
0. Learned that good people are truely a dying breed.
0. Found out that she is a pure blooded misanthropist.
1. I -enjoy- cooking and cleaning.
1. In the world of role play I have currently experienced; Vampire The Masquerade (Favorite), The Alternity system's Spelljammer as well as their Big eyes small mouth (Anime), Star Wars D20 (Favorite).. and there are.. about 20 unscathed role playing books to go so far. I'm about to play Mech Warrior and StarTrek. Hey, I just started last Oct... XD
1. I plan on going to Gen Con this year, TeH w00t!
1. I have really long hair.
1. Have met wise and inspiring people, but, they're gone now.
1. Has been a shut in hermit for the last 4 years. Can't look up at the bright blue sky, literally.
1. Has a real Jedi Knight.. you think I'm kidding?! XD
1. I have a baby and his name is Onyx. (My guinea piggy XD)
1. I am a far bigger nerd than ever before!
1. Consider myself an independent researcher.
Probably some other things. Mind is still murky still however, recapping the past few years since I lost my livejournal account will have to wait for a more tangible time. I'll have you know, do to the very recent final realization that I have lost the only person in my life that has known me since birth, my backbone and support, and best friend, my father, my mindset isn't exactly bright and sunny.
But I'm curious how everyone is doing. Why I left livejournal? Because my account cryngmoonmaiden fuxed up. I'd do anything for that account back. The email address was changed.
*Alice in Wonderland